Computer Science (2009-2010)

Academic Year of the Course: 
Computer Science
Teaching staff: 
Renato Pelessoni
Course Outlines: 
The main purpose of the course is to provide some notions on electronic worksheets, which will turn out useful in other courses. Microsoft Office Excel will be employed in the course.

Introducing Excel

Workbooks and Worksheets. The Ribbon. Shortcut menus and Quick Access Toolbar. Some introductory activities in Excel.

Worksheet Operations

Cells. Formatting. Working with Rows and Columns. Working with Cells and Ranges.


Creating and working with tables.


Main methods for worksheet formatting. Adjusting page settings. Printing.

Formulas and Functions

Formulas. Operators. Functions. Cell References. Formulas for text manipulation, for dates and times, for mathematical operations. Looking up values using formulas.


Creating and customizing charts. Working with charts.

Working with Data

Importing textual data. The Goal Seek tool.

Pivot Tables

Creating and working with pivot tables.
Recommended Texts: 
John Walkenbach Microsoft Office Excel 2007 The Bible Wiley Publishing ISBN-13: 978-0-470-04403-2
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:28