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Currencies And Financial Management (2000-2001)
Academic Year of the Course:
Currencies And Financial Management
Teaching staff:
Giorgio Valentinuz
Course Outlines:
The course wants to give students the tools to answer to the following questions
How euro is going to change Finance? How to write a financial plan? How to calculate cash flows? How to maximise shareholders value? How to finance the enterprise? How to manage interest and currencies risks? How to use derivatives? What is project finance? How taxes modify shareholders value?
Recommended Texts:
The course wants to give students the tools to answer to the following questions
How euro is going to change Finance? How to write a financial plan? How to calculate cash flows? How to maximise shareholders value? How to finance the enterprise? How to manage interest and currencies risks? How to use derivatives? What is project finance? How taxes modify shareholders value?Ernesto Monti, Manuale di Finanza per l'impresa, Utet, Torino, 2000
Last update: 12-11-2013 - 16:32