Exams sessions



Click here to find information about the exams dates.


Please note that:

  • Exams must be included in an APPROVED study plan.
  • In order to take an exam, students must attend the relating course; therefore, it is not possible to take an exam in the winter exams session if the course belongs to the second semester.
  • Students who are on track with their exams are expected to take exams in the established exams sessions that cannot coincide with the courses calendar.
  • Monthly exams sessions are reserved to students who are NOT on track with their exams. Students regularly enrolled to the last year of their studies (3rd year for bachelor degrees and 2nd year for master degrees) can have access to the monthly exam session to take exams belonging to their FIRST YEAR of study.
  • Exams that do not respect prerequisites or previous mandatory exams to be done will be invalidated.

More information about study plans and exams can be found here.



Last update: 12-13-2024 - 11:15