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International InnovaMare first roundtable for policy makers
18-19 February 2021
The online meeting on the issues of the blue economy and blue technologies will host keynote speakers and experts at European level and is addressed at policy makers and stakeholders
Unioncamere del Veneto will organize an online round table on 18 and 19 February 2021, as part of the InnovaMare strategic project “Blue technology - Developing innovative technologies for sustainability of the Adriatic Sea”.
The meeting is addressed to the Italian and Croatian policy makers and stakeholders, in order to facilitate the debate, the transfer of knowledge and the exchange of good practices in the strategic areas of blue economy and blue technologies. These are the themes around which high-level European speakers and experts will intervene putting the blue growth, the sustainability of the Adriatic Sea, and technological innovation at the center of their speeches, with the aim of collecting policy recommendations to support the development of an cross-border innovation ecosystem in the field of underwater robotics and sensors.
This round table is activity in the project coordinated by the Croatian Chamber of Economy, co-financed by the Interreg VA Italy-Croatia Programme (2014-2020) with aim of creating favorable conditions at cross-border level, strengthening strategic and operational capabilities, developing an innovation ecosystem capable of promoting cutting-edge technologies for the sustainability of the Adriatic Sea, with a specific focus on underwater robotics and sensors.
At the end of the round table, projects and proposals will be identified to bring to the attention of the institutions and actors with the aim of implementing effective and long-term actions on a theme such as sustainability and technological innovation for preserving the Adriatic Sea.
Registration until 17/02/2021.
Once registration is completed, you will receive an e-mail with the link to the ZOOM platform to participate in the round table. Simultaneous interpreting is provided in Croatian, English and Italian. We point out that the event will be recorded.
International Innovation Summit Innovamare is a 3-days of on-line events organized by the University of Trieste.
Three days, Six topics, Fifty minutes, Infinite knowledge
focused on the themes of underwater robots and sensors, sea pollution and innovation ecosystems
Day 1, October 28 | Underwater drones: what are they? And what can be useful for?
Day 2, October 29 | Using technology to tackle sea pollution
Day 3, October 30 | Looking for an ecosystem to navigate the global competition
about sea and planet health, climate change and pollution with globally renowned sailors, astronauts, entrepreneurs, opinion leaders and academics
Day 1, October 28 | The sea from above. Research and innovation from the space for the sea | With Umberto Guidoni, Astronaut - Divulgator – Writer
Day 2, October 29 | Sailing among rubbish | With Margherita Pelaschier - sailor and copywriter and Giovanni Soldini - sailor
Day 3, October 30 | Circular Economy for a Circular Society | With Andrea Illy, chairman of illycaffè and co-president of Regenerative Society Foundation and Jeffrey Sachs, director of Center for Sustainable Development of Columbia.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 03-02-2021 - 16:37