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IO June 6 2022
Tipologia avviso:
Student ID | Mark |
EC0101783 | abs |
EC0101888 | abs |
EC0102007 | 21 |
EC0102094 | -- |
EC0102128 | w |
EC0102156 | 30L |
EC0102176 | 28 |
EC0102206 | -- |
EC0102298 | 22 |
EC0102315 | 23 |
EC0102404 | 22 |
EC0102756 | abs |
EC1200325 | w |
EC1200401 | 18 |
EC1200453 | abs |
EC1200716 | -- |
EC1200717 | -- |
EC1200729 | -- |
EC1200738 | 21 |
EC1200746 | w |
EC1200749 | abs |
EC1200756 | -- |
EC1200764 | -- |
EC1200765 | -- |
EC1200773 | 24 |
EC1200830 | abs |
EC1200839 | w |
EC1200861 | w |
EC1200893 | -- |
EC1201138 | 26 |
Email me (lucia.rotaris@deams.units.it) by June 8 only if you had a positive mark (>=18) and you want to take again the exam.
Riferimento a Docente:
Ultimo aggiornamento: 06-06-2022 - 19:52