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Rotaris IO Sept 5 2022
Tipologia avviso:
If you passed the exam (>=18) but you want to take it again, email me (lucia.rotaris@deams.units.it) by Sept 8.
Student ID | |
EC0101783 | abs |
EC0102047 | 19 |
EC0102280 | 23 |
EC0102388 | 19 |
EC0102756 | ins |
EC1200445 | ins |
EC1200528 | ins |
EC1200577 | ins |
EC1200620 | abs |
EC1200685 | 25 |
EC1200771 | ins |
EC1200815 | 28 |
EC1200823 | ins |
EC1200872 | abs |
IN1300264 | ins |
IN1300300 | 26 |
Riferimento a Docente:
Ultimo aggiornamento: 06-09-2022 - 08:41