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Results third assignment - Financial Econometrics (from English page)
Tipologia avviso:
Results for the third assignment are reported below. Can be discussed in my office hours.
Group 1 4/5 (Did not test economic hypothesis of interest; small typos; + for delivering on time); Group 2 4/5 (Did not perform final test, confusing it with misspecification testing; small imprecisions; + for delivering on time); Group 3 5/5 (Small imprecisions; + for delivering on time); Group 4 5/5 (Well done and thoroughly commented); Group 5 3/5 (No comment whatsoever to the results, which are correct up to the omission of the final test); Group 7 4/5 (Well executed and clearly formatted, until omitting the final test. Some comments off-target. + for delivering on time despite starting later.)
Riferimento a Docente:
Ultimo aggiornamento: 08-05-2015 - 15:05